Thought was meth but not really any crackback with coke
Thought was meth but not really any crackback with coke

thought was meth but not really any crackback with coke

But then what really killed me is when I took a look at my pupils. It felt entirely different than coke, but I still wasn't sure because we did have to break up some tiny little collected rocks with a razor. And then after about 45 minutes of non stop talking and watching our hearts race, we start to think either this is some amazing coke or its something else. We are walking and my skin actually started to feel like it was burning 0.o whenever I read about meth reports they are always so generic and the same but it is the same! I felt the feeling of my skin crawling after awhile. Then after about 10-20 minutes me and my friend noticed we were talking REALLY loud and fast, so we decided to go on a walk in the snow haha. It feel weird at first but I didn't get a giant lad as soon as I sniffed it like coke.

thought was meth but not really any crackback with coke

Which I didnt think made sense because his whole family is notorious for doing meth, Anyways, he comes to me with 2 lines and we do them. Lol, one of my buddies found this gram of powder in his uncles dresser and just took a line because he was '100% sure' it was coke. theres something that doesn't sound familiar. A form of heroin called white heroin, is easily mistaken for cocaine and people have died or been hospitalised after snorting it thinking it was cocaine.I guess my IQ lowered a lot while I was sleeping a couple days ago, hmm sleep. Speedballing (injecting a mixture of cocaine and heroin) can have fatal results. It's also easier to overdose from injecting cocaine. Sharing needles or other injecting equipment can spread HIV and hepatitis infections too. Injecting cocaine can damage veins and cause ulcers and gangrene.

thought was meth but not really any crackback with coke

Regularly smoking crack can cause breathing problems and pains in the chest. Taking cocaine when pregnant can damage your baby, cause miscarriage, premature labour and low birth weight. Heavy users can lose this cartilage and end up with one large nostril and a misshapen nose. Over time, snorting cocaine damages the cartilage in your nose that separates your nostrils. The risk of overdose increases if you mix cocaine with other drugs or alcohol. Cocaine is risky for anyone with high blood pressure or a heart condition, but even healthy young people can have a fit, heart attack or stroke after using the drug.

Thought was meth but not really any crackback with coke